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Our Goal

9,500 Easter baskets

Donated So Far
6,020 Easter baskets
The average cost of 1 Easter basket is $57 US Dollars.
Equivalent to $76 CAD, $89 AUD, and $46 GBP (exchange rates are updated weekly)
3,480 Easter baskets remaining.

This Easter, gift a family an Easter basket with essentials like cooking oil, rice and pasta, meat or chicken, eggs, bread, and cheese for only $57. For each food basket you give, you lift an enormous burden off the shoulders of a widowed mother and her children.

As we look forward to the joy and hope found in Christ’s resurrection, please remember Egypt’s fatherless in your prayers. By God’s grace, every child will have meat or chicken on their table this Eid.

May the Lord reward you for your love and generosity this Holy Lent.